Thursday, April 4, 2013

ghost in the stalls

i was watching this video on YouTube and it was called ghost in the stalls and I'm going to tell you about. it starts here; So i haven't told you guys a story in so long so i was in this Kmart bathroom making shortcakes pooping i was pooping while playing on my phone in silent mode that's called multitasking put it on the job apps so this guy walks in and starts pooping right next to luckily i was in the post poop so it turned into this weird Skype poop call i didnt want to be apart of so i thought to my self its a Monday im scotch im scotch free im tape so i decided to let out the most bold hurdlying scream and he through his against the stall walls and said you scared the crap out of i don't i need your help i have butt muscles i let him get comfy right he starts to poop again