I think that the issue is very important and that the girls need to be saved by the men. All of the men want wemon but they do not want to raise there own. I think that if the men want wives they should take responsibility to raise there own baby girl. What the women with the two twins did a great and powerful move to save her baby girls. This women did the right thing in my mind. What the mother in law did was wrong and should have been put into jail. The problem is that the law is not holding there end of the deal meaning some of the wemon are taking responsibility for there baby girls and the law is not helping the wemon that are not taking responsibility. My opinion on the ultrasound is that if they want that they may have it but killing the baby is not an option.There is one lady that i heard about and she is a very giving person because she has devoted her life to saving baby girls. This women has picked up kids and brought them back to raise them on her own. That is a great and noble thing to do as a person and not having any blood relation to the kids. I think that the two weman that helped there kids are great full weman!
Cute Indian Baby Girl Smile |