Thursday, February 9, 2012

Skyrim Pt. 4

Hello everybody and we are back with another Skyrim blog! I think I last left off telling you about how in Skyrim to get to Whiterun. If you have already made it to Whiterun then we will be going to tell the Jarl or the leader of Whiterun who will help you and you must help him as well. You will be travelling to Bleak Falls Barrow that ring a bell? In the Dungeon you will meet many foes such as: Draugers, a Giant spider, a few Bandits, and a man who is not very nice. In the dungeon you need to be careful and save at some points of it if you are a low level anywho lets move on. At the very end of the dungeon you will encounter the boss who holds the dragonstone you need to complete the quest. He is kind of hard so i advise using a poison you will find before activating the word of power. The poison is located in an open cabinet on the bottom shelf use it, kill the boss, retrieve the stone, and complete the quest.

Picture From Skyrim Coverage - Database for Skyrim news, details, info, rumors and facts

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