Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crazy House of Science

There lives a family in a crazy house. There is a mother, son, daughter and father. They are a family of scientists and have lived in this crazy house for about 5 years now and don't let the appearence on the outside fool you. Inside of the house there is little gravity so they float to get around. It i pretty fun in this crazy house. They have their beds in capsules of gravity so they can sleep. Everything they use in the house is bolted tigher to the ground. There are many things to do when they are not flying like eating or playing video games games as well. 
Picture From Cloning Scientist Cartoons and Comics

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Skyrim Pt. 6

Hello again we are back to another part of Skryrim. Now you might have killed the mean dragon and now on your way to Whiterun to talk to Jarl Balgruuf. While you are in Whiterun you will hear a kinda loud shout and don't be afraid of this it is normal. That is the shout of the Greybeards calling you. When you get to the Jarl the you will need to go to High Hrothgar(Sanctum of the Greybeards). When you make it there you will learn the second version of a shout you will get from the Bleak Falls Barrow. The shout you get from the Greybeards will be Ro the second version of Fus. That's all for today.

Picture From Alfhedil's Journal My Brain on Games

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Manditory P.E.

I believe Physical Education should be manditory to all students. I believe so because there are many obese children in every school you will visit. With Physical Education many of the obese children have lowered their weight count by alot. With Physical Education people that are not obese are able to work on running and be able to train for their other sports. I also believe that Physical Education should be all year long. That is why i believe Physical Education should be manditory.
Picture From My Website Physical Education

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Skyrim Pt. 5

Welcome back to the Skyrim blog! Today I will be telling you about the next part of Skyrim. Now that you have the Dragonstone you need to bring it back if not already. After you do so you will now have to go to a little outpost just out of Whiterun and kill a Dragon! You can kill this feind pretty easy with either: Magic, Melee, or Archery. When you kill the dragon don't forget to search  his body and save up the bones. With the bones you can sell them or you can create armour with them at level 100 Smithing. Anywho you will gain a sort of power from the dragon dont be afraid of this it is nothing to worry about. When you gain this power you will be talked to by some of the guards about being a dragonborn. If you would like to know what being dragonborn is i'll tell you. Being dragonborn means you are born with the soul of a dragon.anyway that's it for this week good luck.
Picture From Beasts Database: Skyrim Dragon (Live Action Trailer)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Skyrim Pt. 4

Hello everybody and we are back with another Skyrim blog! I think I last left off telling you about how in Skyrim to get to Whiterun. If you have already made it to Whiterun then we will be going to tell the Jarl or the leader of Whiterun who will help you and you must help him as well. You will be travelling to Bleak Falls Barrow that ring a bell? In the Dungeon you will meet many foes such as: Draugers, a Giant spider, a few Bandits, and a man who is not very nice. In the dungeon you need to be careful and save at some points of it if you are a low level anywho lets move on. At the very end of the dungeon you will encounter the boss who holds the dragonstone you need to complete the quest. He is kind of hard so i advise using a poison you will find before activating the word of power. The poison is located in an open cabinet on the bottom shelf use it, kill the boss, retrieve the stone, and complete the quest.

Picture From Skyrim Coverage - Database for Skyrim news, details, info, rumors and facts

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Skyrim Pt. 3

The last time I blogged I was blogging about a videogame named Skyrim. I will now tell you a path to take to Whiterun for Riverwood. There are Two paths you may take 1.) The path where there is little combat, or        2.) The path with the Bandits, Bleak Falls Barrow(Dungeon), and Giants. Whichever path you take it won't matter because you can get to Whiterun one way or another. There is also a situation with the combat path a.k.a the uphill path. When you follow the uphill path you will have to kind of slide down a mountain.

Picture From Elder Scrolls Skyrim Forums View topic - Bleak Falls Barrow